How to Fix a Hole In A Swaygo Pack
Read thru all steps before starting the repair.
- Use eye protection and work in a well ventilated area.
- Clean the area around the hole. The cleaner it is the better and longer lasting the patch will be. For the best results clean and prime the patch area with rubbing alcohol. Get it really clean.
- Place a piece of tape under the hole from the inside of the pack. This is to prevent the sealer from seeping inside the pack.
- If you have a large hole cutter/punch, cut a round hole in some tape and place the tape hole over the area to be patched. This makes a nice, round patch, with no corners. Corners or points are more susceptible to peeling.
- Use Aquaseal+FD, the stuff made by Gear Aid. Accept no substitutions! Nothing else is recommended. Nothing else has held up in tests. You can usually find it in outdoor stores, paddling or scuba shops. You can even get a combo pack with Aquaseal+FD and Cure Accelerator for about $11.50.
- Spread a dab of Aquaseal+FD so there is at least a 1/2″ overlapping the hole or fill the tape hole. Try to make the patch round, with smooth edges, no corners or points. If using a tape hole, let sit for 10-15 minutes to allow the Aquaseal+FD to settle and smooth, then carefully remove the tape. If you wait, the tape will be stuck under the Aquaseal+FD. Lay the pack on a flat surface, so the Aquaseal+FD doesn’t run.
- Let it dry overnight.
- Use the pack as normal. This process has proven to make a strong and durable patches.
As always, if you prefer, Swaygo will patch the holes for you. Simply send us the clean and deconed pack and we will fix it up. Allow 2-3 weeks for shipping, prep, and drying time.
Replacing Old Style Buckle Closure On A Swaygo Pack
If you have an older Swaygo pack with a side-release buckle on the closure, we recommend that you replace the buckle with a keychain carabiner similar to the strap biners included with the packs. The biner closure has proven to be more durable, more reliable, and easier to use than the old buckles.
Here’s a quick video showing one way to remove a buckle without damaging the pack.

As always, if you prefer, Swaygo will gladly replace your buckle with a biner. Simply send us the clean and decontaminated pack and we will fix it up. Allow 2-3 weeks for shipping and repair time.